Auth0 is building the next generation access control SaaS based on Google Zanzibar.
Learn MoreZanzibar handles authorization for YouTube, Drive, Google Cloud and all of Google's other products
See how it worksRead the paperZanzibar allows Google teams to specify their unique authorization models, globally replicates authorization data and responds to access checks blazing fast.
name: "doc"
relation { name: "editor" }
relation { name: "viewer" }
relation { name: "owner" }
Zanzibar globally replicates data using Google Spanner, allowing it to run on all geographic regions where Google products run without sacrificing (external) consistency.
Zanzibar scales to trillions of objects, billions of users and millions of authorization requests per second.
Zanzibar runs geographically close to its clients, and uses techniques such as secondary indexing for heavily nested groups, request hedging and distributed caching to keep tail latencies low.
Zanzibar: Google’s Consistent, Global Authorization System
OpenFGA: Auth0's open-source authorization solution
The Evolution of Ory Keto: A Global Scale Authorization System
AuthZ: Carta’s highly scalable permissions system
Building Zanzibar from Scratch by Oso
How Google Docs models authorization: a primer on Zanzibar
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